Understanding Swift’s Async/Await

Anas Poovalloor
2 min readJul 7, 2024


Swift’s async/await feature, introduced in Swift 5.5, provides a powerful and intuitive way to write asynchronous code. It simplifies complex asynchronous operations, making them easier to read, write, and maintain.

The Problem with Traditional Asynchronous Code

Traditionally, asynchronous operations in Swift were handled using completion handlers or closures. While functional, this approach often led to deeply nested code, known as “callback hell.” For example:

This code is hard to read and maintain, with multiple levels of nesting and error handling.

Enter Async/Await

Async/await allows you to write asynchronous code that looks and behaves like synchronous code. Here’s how we can rewrite the above example using async/await:

This code is much cleaner, easier to read, and easier to reason about. Let’s break down the key components:

  1. The async keyword in the function declaration indicates that this function performs asynchronous work.
  2. The throws keyword indicates that this function can throw errors.
  3. The await keyword is used before calling an asynchronous function, indicating a potential suspension point.

How It Works

When you call an async function, the current thread may be suspended at any await point. The system can then use that thread to perform other work. When the awaited operation completes, the function resumes from where it left off.

Practical Examples

Let’s look at some more practical examples to better understand async/await.

Example 1: Fetching Data from an API

In this example, we define an asynchronous function fetchPost that retrieves a post from a JSON API. The URLSession.shared.data(from:) method is an asynchronous operation, so we use await when calling it.

Example 2: Concurrent Operations

Async/await also makes it easy to perform concurrent operations:

This example uses withThrowingTaskGroup to concurrently fetch multiple posts. Each fetch operation is added as a separate task to the group, allowing them to run concurrently.

To learn more about withThrowingTaskGroup and its advanced usage,
check out — Understanding Swift’s — withThrowingTaskGroup.

Example 3: Asynchronous Sequence

Swift also introduces the concept of asynchronous sequences, which you can iterate over asynchronously:

In this example, we define a NewsFeed class that conforms to AsyncSequence. This allows us to asynchronously iterate over a stream of news articles, with each article being "fetched" after a simulated delay.

Async/await in Swift provides a powerful tool for writing clear, concise asynchronous code. It simplifies error handling, makes concurrent operations more straightforward, and allows for more natural expression of asynchronous algorithms. By understanding and utilizing async/await, you can write more maintainable and efficient asynchronous Swift code.

Ready to level up your Swift skills? Don’t miss ‘Debugging Swift Crashes Using ‘atos’ in Xcode.

