Understanding Swift’s — withThrowingTaskGroup

Anas Poovalloor
2 min readJul 7, 2024


Swift’s withThrowingTaskGroup is a powerful tool for managing concurrent operations that can throw errors. It's part of Swift's structured concurrency model, introduced alongside async/await. This function allows developers to create and manage groups of asynchronous tasks that run concurrently, while handling potential errors gracefully.

Basic Concept

withThrowingTaskGroup creates a task group that can contain multiple child tasks. These tasks run concurrently, and the function waits for all tasks to complete (or fail) before returning. It's particularly useful when you need to perform several independent operations in parallel and aggregate their results.

Syntax and Usage

The basic syntax of withThrowingTaskGroup is as follows:

Let’s break this down:

  1. of: Sendable.self: This specifies the type of result each task in the group will produce. The type must conform to the Sendable protocol, ensuring it's safe to send across concurrency boundaries.
  2. The closure receives a group parameter, which you use to add and manage tasks.

Key Features

  1. Concurrent Execution: Tasks within the group run concurrently, potentially improving performance.
  2. Error Handling: It can handle tasks that might throw errors.
  3. Structured Concurrency: Ensures all child tasks complete or are cancelled before the function returns.
  4. Result Collection: Allows easy collection and processing of results from all tasks.
  5. Cancellation: Provides options to cancel remaining tasks if an error occurs.


Let’s explore some examples to better understand how withThrowingTaskGroup works in practice.

Example 1: Fetching Multiple Resources

Imagine we need to fetch multiple user profiles concurrently:

In this example, we’re fetching multiple user profiles concurrently. Each fetchUserProfile call is added as a separate task to the group.

Example 2: Handling Errors

Let’s modify the previous example to handle potential errors more gracefully:

This version handles errors for individual profile fetches without stopping the entire operation. It collects successful profiles and errors, then throws a custom error if any fetches failed.

Example 3: Using TaskGroup with AsyncSequence

We can combine withThrowingTaskGroup with AsyncSequence for more complex scenarios:

This example demonstrates how to use withThrowingTaskGroup to process a large dataset in batches, where the dataset is an AsyncSequence.

Best Practices and Considerations

  1. Error Handling: Always handle potential errors, either within each task or at the group level.
  2. Resource Management: Be mindful of resource usage when creating many concurrent tasks.
  3. Task Cancellation: Consider implementing cancellation checks in long-running tasks.
  4. Result Collection: Choose an appropriate method for collecting results based on your use case (array, dictionary, etc.).
  5. Performance: While concurrency can improve performance, too many concurrent tasks can lead to diminishing returns or even decreased performance.

withThrowingTaskGroup is a powerful tool in Swift's concurrency toolkit. It allows for efficient parallel execution of tasks while maintaining structured concurrency and robust error handling. By understanding and effectively using this feature, developers can write more performant and maintainable asynchronous code in Swift.

Ready to level up your Swift skills? Don’t miss Understanding Swift’s Async/Await.

